Getting Free From Past Failings

Have you felt bad about how you have failed in the past in your actions as a human being?  Maybe it has been something small?  Maybe it has been a big “Sin” from the past that you feel really bad about and it is a heavy burden that you still carry today?  Maybe you are still dealing with it and seek freedom?  I have often suggested people to read the book The Ragamuffin Gospel by Brennan Manning.  It is about a former Roman Catholic priest who struggled with alcoholism and his journey toward grace and forgiveness. Not only does it apply to alcohol or other addictions, but it can apply to any event or pattern (current or in the past) that you are struggling with or have struggled with.  Do you feel downtrodden, feel that you have lost your way, or feel ashamed, or broken?   What if I told you that there really is a God who is all loving and forgiving? What if you do not believe in God?  Then, what is your own understanding of spirituality or of a higher power that you can explore turning to when you have gone off the path and want to “get things right again”.  These are all things that Counseling  can help you with. In my own life and in my own practice as a mental health professional I have found my Christian faith to be helpful in dealing with current or issues from the past.  Christian Counseling focuses on the use of Christian spiritual Biblical beliefs; however, most counselors whatever your spiritual beliefs or lack of any spiritual beliefs will still honor and respect those beliefs in a counseling process.  There is help and support to get through whatever you have gone through in the past or are currently going through.

Contact Me



George O. Schulz, Ph.D.


8:30 am-6:00 pm


8:30 am-6:00 pm


8:30 am-6:00 pm


8:30 am-6:00 pm


8:30 am-6:00 pm





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